Monday, July 23, 2012

Managing Water Pollution


The last 2 lessons (about how the world is managing pollution on international and national scale) were one of the best and most interesting lessons ever! This is because we got to debate about stuff that we understand and is relevant to us (unlike shows where people debate about... stuff that we don't fully comprehend). It was fun, interesting, exciting and absolutely enriching to be able to see one single subject and topic in different light and perspective. Through the argument I think that the main thing that we were debating about was really which method of management is most effective. During the whole debate I have swayed from one opinion.... to another... to another...

Anyway. The main thing I wanted to focus on in this blogpost is simply on how government all over the world has been educating the public. The first thing that came to my mind were advertisements or videos. On the TV and other media platforms. I found some on YouTube (especially about water pollution)....

1)This one is an advertisement on conserving water. But there is a little part about water pollution and how it affects everyhting.... finally leading up to the need of conserving water. It comes under the method of educating the public as it tells you about the problems that people face. It targets to get people donating money. I find this little clip rather persuasive and informative too.

2) The aim of the advertisment is to educate the public about World Water Day. It tells a lot about WHY we should conserve water. Again it doesn't really have to do lots about pollution. But it is about educating the public.

3) Another way of educating the public can be about putting the good habits into part of our daily lives. That actually makes it a whole lot easier. This video is really specific about the habits and what we can do to conserve water.

3) Closer to home! Singapore's very own mascot: Water Wally (created by PUB). There are actually a lot of videos telling of his adventures, but I think this particular one tells of his adventure on preventin pollution. Because of the captivating bright colors and lively animation, I think that this video is meant for children. I guess it is to help give children a great start to conserve water. Eventually they would grow up and these good habits, awareness and knowledge would become part of their daily lives.

4) Cute, funny, entertaining and also... meaningful. This is an advertisement on conserving water leaves you thinking.... is it really worth it?

5) HAHA!!! This is really entertaining and yet it also leaves you thinking about how the lack of water can affect our daily lives. It's realistic. Also, this video is actually done by a college student, so that means that colleges are also educaating the students too. This in turn can educate the public. Woo Hoo!

6) Funny advertisement :)

Yep! God bless and all the best!!!


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