Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joanne's Answer to Textbook Page 81 :)

Hi! Here are my answers to TB page 81... What do you think? :)
I always rely on the number of marks to see how much write... These questions don't state the number of marks so I just wrote how much I think is correct :P

1) The fact that planes can hold more people and can also make continuous flights. This would shorten trips as the planes don't have to stop for breaks. This also can save money, as this plane may be able to replace many other planes. Planes would be able to travel long distances too.

2) The disadvantages of buying this plane would be the cost of the plane. Such a large plane would cost a lot. This also includes the maintainance fees, which would cost far more than a normal plane. The advantages include the plane would get the company a lot of profit as the plane would be able to take over a lot of planes and those planes would be able to take other flights. This plane would also help to save a lot of money as this plane can fly many flights and the company would not need to buy new planes.

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