Thursday, January 12, 2012


It is great to be back in Geography class, isn't it?
As Ms J 'promised', we have a question every lesson. Today's question is, 'What makes birth rate high? What makes birth rate low?' I typed in the search box the exact same question (the first question, that is), and I got some interesting answers. :)
(found from answers.

1) Lack of knowledge of birth control/ family planning
  • Lack of contraceptives
  • Low or no education
  • Lack of government policies that encourage small families (poor government)

What are contraceptives? Here is the definition from, tending or serving to prevent conception or impregnation.

No education. What has it got to do with birth rate? One example would be that there is a lack of education on safe sex and thus this occurs.

These points remind me of China's one child policy, especially the last one, lack of government policies that encourage small families. Of course, it has appeared in the papers time and again about this famous policy and yet it does not seem to stop the problem. Is it because there are some parts of China that the law cannot reach?

2) Traditions and belief
  • Some religions believe in the importance of large families
  • Women's job to give birth
  • There are more family oriented women and less career-minded women who marry early and thus increasing their child-bearing years.
  • People believe in the importance of having a son to carry their family lineage. So couples that have daughters tend keep trying until they have a son.
The religions include Natalism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


  1. How does education affect birth rate then? Have you found out yet? It's an interesting factor.

    Also, go do a little bit more research on whether the one-child policy in China is still in effect in most parts of China. the mindset may remain, but is the policy still strongly encouraged up till today?

    -Ms J

  2. How does education affect birth rate? Does anyone know yet?

    Also do more research on the One child policy in China, what is it actually like in China now? Anyone has friends from China, maybe you could ask them what it's like in China with regards to that policy today?

    -Ms J
