Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One-child policy in China

China has held the one-child policy for more than 30 years, and now some traditional parts of China still holds this custom. However, as years pass, the number of families planning for 2 children in the family starts increasing...An article is shared below about this topic though.

(editted) Other than this, I just realised there were other problems too. China is now developing, hence, the rapid increase in population. However, I fear that when she becomes a developed country, its population not only starts aging, there will also be the problem where the girl-to-boy ratio has a really big difference. This is because many traditional families believe that only giving birth to a boy could help them carry on their family tradition, culture, heritage and family line. Therefore, when some families give birth to girls or know that they about to give birth to a female, they might go abort it or the baby girls will be given to someone else or killed. This is the main reason why many cannot set families today in China is because families are too conceited about carrying their family line that they have neglected the future. The girls are getting lesser and lesser while the population of the boys keeps increasing even though China is now encouraging people to give birth to girls as well. If only China had a 2 child policy, then each family could have one boy and one girl, making it only fair. This, I think, is also the lack of planning in the government state as they never thought about future consequences that may occur like this.
Now, Singapore is also facing an aging population as what we call a silver tsunami because many educated people now would like to go and venture into their careers instead. Moreover, Singapore's government has somewhat urged singaporeans to give birth lesser children to stop the overcrowding population. But now, Singapore's goverment is urging us to give birth to more babies to increase the population of Singaporeans. I think that is an area I feel strongly about...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The article is very interesting! It suggests that the one-child policy will eventually be detrimental to China and things need to start changing to help the population there. At the same time, why is the population size so big in China although it has the one-child policy?

    -Ms J
