Friday, August 12, 2011

In addition...

Just to add to what Joanne said about the fieldtrip, we learnt about buttress roots and parasitic plants too. Moreover, we learnt about rosette structures. The buttress roots are huge and they ensure a firmer grip to the loose forest soil. Parasitic plants are like ferns and moss. They are dependent on other plants for their survival and the other plant dies when it survives after it gets all the nutrients from it. A rosette structure is arranged in circle, with all the leaves at a single height. Their main purpose is to protect the plant from getting destroyed as they are difficult to pluck from the ground. However, what people do not know is that they are also structured in this way to be able to capture the falling leaves to provide them with nutrients when they decompose. There are also drip-tips on leaves. These plants are usually found in tropical countries as there is more rainfall. They allow the water to "slide" down their surface so they can receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Plants also have waxy leaves to reduce their water loss. The temperature is quite high in tropical countries.

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