Friday, August 12, 2011

Field Trip to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

On 28 July 2011, we, the Secondary 1 ACE Geography girls together with Ms J and Ms Lie, went on one of the most exciting event of the year: a field trip to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve! It certainly was a totally new experience for most (if not, all) of the Secondary 1 girls. It was both interesting and fun, the best combination for the perfect lesson! Through this field trip we learnt so much easier, with the use of 4 of our senses: seeing, hearing, touching and smelling.

We had to climb a steep slope in order to get to see the plants. We were encouraged to see all of the nature through a geographer's eye. Seeing it through that perspective helped us to learn and understand what we saw more easily. We saw, with our 'geographer's eyes', many different plants that look so much more appealing than those in our textbook. It helped us to come up with new questions that we have never thought of before. We saw lianas and buttress roots. They looked like as if they came out of the textbook, only in 3D!

Scaling was another thing we learnt too. For example, we compared the size of a broad leaf to a 50 cents coin. For things that are thick and big, we use the human body to compare it. For example, the big and thick tree was compared to Nicole and the thick lianas were compared to Matthea and Mildred. For the incredibly thin stems we used a pen.

Going there with a heart to learn is much more important than just going there to get good grades for that project (or for Geography, although that is also important). We share wonderful memories of not just learning more about the environment but also of a time forging not just new but good friends that we can go to for help and support. We will cherish that memory, that’s for sure!

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