Friday, May 20, 2011


Basically, today we went through our common test papers. Although I have no idea how most of us did, Ms J said that on the whole we did really well, considering that we were graded on our blog posts, our presentations (when we became teachers) and many others.
I am very happy with my geography results, and I hope the rest of you also are satisfied with your results. If you are, congratulations! If you are not, 加油! Try again next term!
As I reflect on how I study and so on, I realized that I have learnt a lot through how I study and there are many things that I should improve on. Here are three of them.
1. We should start revising early. This applies to other subjects too. We should not squeeze everything at the last minute. Everyday revision also helps. My dad says that if we don’t revise what we have learnt on that day, we would have forgotten most of it the next day.
2. Sleeping too late is not a good thing to do. Your brain needs enough rest to get ready for the next day. If we are too tired, we will not be able to concentrate during the exam.
3. Start memorising early. Geography has so much such to memorise. Sigh. So I realised that the best thing to do would be spread out all the things that we need to memorise and start early. If we try memorising all of it the night before, it would be very tough to squeeze it all into your brain. Besides, nobody guarantees that all of it would come back the next day! Plus, it might stay in our head for a long time, and we will need to revise it again to make sure that it stays in our head. We don’t study just for the exam itself but also for the next few years of our secondary school life.
Reflection on what have affected our results both positively and negatively might benefit us so that during the next time we study for the next exam, we know what to do and what not to do, what to change in terms of how we study. For Jimmy Dean once said, “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” To me, in this case, the direction of the wind is the test, the sails mean the way we study and the destination is our results. So, I hope that all the points I have given to you will help you start on your revision.
God bless!

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