Sunday, July 24, 2011

Natural Vegetation

This blogpost is on the geography lesson on 21 July.

This lesson on Natural Vegetation was taught by Ms Lim. This was the first time teaching us. However, she was very clear in her teaching and we understood her every word.

The examples of natural vegetation in the world would be:

  • The Amazon rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is located in South America and (according to Wikipedia) encompasses seven million square kilometers (Singapore is 693 sq km!). This rainforest,which is located in South America, is also known as 'The Lungs Of Our Planet'. Why? It is quite obvious. Because the Amazon rainforest has a lot of trees, which create lots of oxygen for our planet. However, in one website, I found that they also consider the rainforests the 'heart' of our planet too. The website,, contains why it is considered the heart. I've never thought of it before. Check it out!

  • Chek Jawa

A mangrove in Singapore! This mangrove is not alone. There is also the more well-known 'Sungi Buloh Wetland Reserve'. According to,Sungi Buloh Wetland Reserve is located at 301 Neo Tiew CrescentSingapore 718925. I have been there before, but when I went there it started to pour so my class and I couldn't go for a tour there. However when my sister went there it was cool and windy, thus she and her class had a tour there. She said that it was incredible with so many animals to see. What a pity I could not see them for myself!

  • Muir Woods

According to, Muir Woods is a scenic national park in USA. It was declared a national monument in 1908. It is home to many birds and other forms of wildlife. It is dense and dark, thus it is hard to spot animals, most of whcih are nocturnal. The pictures shown in the website shows of a serene park with so many kinds of plants that I have never seen before.

We come to the different types of natural vegetation. Let's see some of them...

  • Tropical Rainforest

Tropical Rainforests are dense and have many varities of plants, for example, the Buttress Roots. Buttress Roots are very thick and big roots. Why? According to, they are found in 'nutrient-poor rainforest soil and do not penetrate to deeper layers. They prevent the tree from falling over (hence the name buttress, which means any prop or support ) while also gathering more nutrients.' 'They can grow up to 15 feet tall and spread for 30 metres above the soil then for another 30 metres below. When the roots spread horizontally, they are able to cover a wider area for collecting nutrients. They stay near the upper soil layer because all the main nutrients are found there.'

  • The desert

Guess what climate does this one fall under? Yup, Wikipedia teels us that it falls under the desert climate, also known as the arid climate. This is a climate that does not meet the criteria to be classified as a polar climate, and in which precipitation is too low to sustain any vegetation at all, or at most a very scanty scrub.

Yep, that sums up most of the interesting lesson. God bless and see you soon!

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