Saturday, April 9, 2011

Past three weeks

In the first week of term one, Joanne and I presented our powerpoint on the distribution of volcanoes. The following will be what we had said in the presentation.

Well, what is the distribution of volcanoes then? It is volcano activity that happens to be concentrated in specific locations. Where do we usually find volcanoes? They are most likely located at plate boundaries(also intepreted as the edges of tectonic plates), especially at subduction zones. Moreover, volcanoes can also be present at hotspots(also intepreted as mantle plumes). Talking about hotspots, do you know, although Hawaii is not near any plates, it still has quite a number of volcanoes on the island. It is because the hotspots that occur below will cause volcanoes to form when the plate that Hawaii is part of moves past the hotspots below. However, the largest and most lethal volcanoes usually form at plate boundaries. What about Tectonic plates and hotspots?

Tectonic plates(also called lithopheric plates) are massive, irregularly shaped rocks. They are generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithospheres. The plates' sizes may vary greatly, from a few hundred to thousands of kilometres across; the Pacific and Antartic plates are among the largest. Most of the boundaries between individual plates cannot be seen as they are hidden beneath the oceans. Hotspots are far from the edges of the tectonic plates. They are fixed places within the mantle or oceanic lithosphere. They are then broken up into plates, where rocks melt to generate magma. When hotspots are situated in the oceanic lithosphere

a class of volcanoes known as shield volcanoes is built. These are constructed on the deep ocean floor and may be built high enough to rise above sea levels as volcanic islands. The definition of the LITHOSPHERE is the outer shell of the Earth which is made of the Earth's crust and the outermost layer of the mantle.

Indonesia has the most number of volcanoes. It has more than 160 active volcanoes. Why? Indonesia sits on what we call the Ring of Fire and the Ring of Fire is a zone of frequent seismic (relating to volcanic activity) and volcanic activity around the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Lets see the picture below that shows a volcanic map of Indonesia.

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