Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She has returned! ACE (based on the lesson on 18 Feb 2011)

Ms J's back! Of course, she has also brought with her an interesting lesson, as always...

Today we learnt more about rocks (yep, they are not just stuff that form the outer crust of the Earth...), to be specific, the different types of rocks- Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks (You can refer to the recent blogpost for more information about them). Ms J wanted us to present what we have written on the worksheet she has given us the day before. She split us into groups, and we had to say what we have written out, although there were some stuff that we did not understand.

Ms J showed us some pictures of the rocks, and, as you know, they were magnificent! Different rocks of different colours, shapes and sizes. Oh yes, and different types. Then she started to explain in detail what exactly are 'grain size' and 'sediments' so that we can 'understand' rocks better.

Basically, grains are the 'small scale', and rocks are the 'large scale' (remember that many grains make up a rock and many rocks make up a land form!). So, that means that 'grain size' refers to the size of the grains that make up the rock. Sedmentary is defined as, in, mineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice. That tells us much more about the sedimentary rocks, eh?

We believe that there is so much more exciting stuff to learn about rocks. Geography is indeed one of the best and interesting subjects that we learn in Secondary school, especially when you get such a nice and approchable teacher and such a great class, and especially in ACE Geography!

The Rock Cycle

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