Monday, January 31, 2011


28 January marks our first ACE programme lesson on Geography. This day, our teacher Miss J. gave us an explanation what longitudes and latitudes are. They are imaginary lines that circle the Earth. "Why is it needed?" You might ask. They were created for a reason you know. It is to let people locate the places on the Earth more efficiently. Latitudes are horizontal while longtitudes are vertical. The Earth is divided five main latitudes: the Arctic circle, the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antartic circle. The Equator is 0' degree as it circles the middle of the Earth. The Arctic circle is 23.5 degrees North, the Tropic of Cancer is 66.5 degree North, the Tropic of Capricorn is 66.5 degrees South and the Antartic circle is 23.5 degrees South.

There is a main longitude that divides the Earth into an Eastern Hemisphere and a Western Hemisphere. It is called the Prime Merdian or the Greenwich Merdian. It is defined to be at 0' degree. The Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees. It therefore has an axis. To understand more about this information, you can go to these websites:

An Introduction

Nice to meet you everybody. I will start with abrief introduction about me and my geography partner. My name is Chrystal and my partner's name is Joanne. In the following weeks, we shall post about our lessons to give everyone a better understanding of Geography.